Reliant Rehab – California

We have a class action case pending for Therapists working for Reliant Pro Rehab LLC d/b/a Reliant Rehab in California for violations of the state’s wage laws.

Case: Anderson and Nunally, individually and on behalf of all others similarly situated, v. Reliant Pro Rehab LLC d/b/a Reliant Rehab, EDCA, Case No. 1:22-cv-00599-HBK.

This class action case seeks to recover the following wages for violations of numerous California wage laws and statutes occurring during the period of May 20, 2017 to the present day:

Payment of 1 hour of time for each and every instance in which a Therapist was not able to take a 10 minute, non-working rest break for every 4 hours of work. Thus, if a Therapist worked an 8 hour day, they should have received 2 hours of pay.
Payment of 1 hour for each and every day that a Therapist was not able or did not take a complete 30 minute, uninterrupted, and non-working meal breaks (aka a bona fide meal break) in which the person was completely relieved of all work duties. This means that a 29 minute break is a violation of the law. Entering notes during a break period is also a violation of the law.
Payment of all unpaid overtime hours for any off-the-clock work.
Double the sum owed as liquidated damages.
Please review the below collective action complaint for more information about the case.

View the Anderson and Nunally v. Reliant Rehab, Collective Action Complaint

If you worked for Reliant Rehab California as a Therapist during the period of time from May 20, 2017 to the present day, we want to speak to you about your work experience. If you suffered similar treatment and did not receive overtime pay that you should have, please contact us. Our attorneys at Feldman Legal Group are ready to help you.