An average day at work can change in an instant, especially when the job has some seemingly inherent risks. A man from Tampa was involved in a fatal accident at a resort when an elevator fell onto him, crushing him. The man was working inside the elevator shaft at the time.
Investigators say that the maintenance crew at the hotel had locked the elevator before the two workers entered the elevator shaft. But 40 minutes into their task of cleaning oil from the inside of the shaft, the elevator suddenly fell on top of them. Though the Tampa man lost his life, the other worker survived the accident.
The sad situation is currently under investigation as an accident. But even a true accident can be caused by someone’s negligent actions. Did the maintenance staff fail to properly lock the elevator in place? Did the resort fail to properly and regularly have the elevator serviced, leaving deficiencies in its operating condition? These are the types of questions that plague the surviving family of someone who is killed in an accident like this.
When a person is killed in a tragic accident, the surviving family members often suffer serious financial injury. Funeral expenses can be shocking, and going forward without the decedent’s income can cause financial ruin for a family. To right these types of wrongs, wrongful death actions were created.
A wrongful death suit requires the surviving family to prove that the accident and resulting death was caused by negligence. Once negligence is established, the family can often recover damages for medical bills, funeral expenses and lost income. It’s true that accidents happen, but when another person or company’s negligence causes the accident, the victim’s survivors deserve help moving on with life.