Understanding Your Rights after a Collision with a Truck

A collision between two passenger vehicles has little in common with a collision between a passenger car and a large commercial semi truck. In addition to the likelihood of sustaining severe injuries and fatalities, passenger car occupants face a complex investigative maze when they seek the compensation they deserve from trucking companies and their powerful legal staff.

In trucking accidents, even driver error can point to liability on the part of the trucking company. A 2006 Large Truck Crash Causation Study conducted by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration identified common issues that cause commercial trucking accidents. The study clearly illustrates that the causes of these accidents involve many factors not common to crashes between passenger vehicles, such as the following:

  • Driver issues, including fatigue, working environment, training and experience
  • Vehicle design and load, including truck driver blind spots and improperly-loaded cargo that can shift and cause a loss of control of the vehicle
  • Vehicle maintenance and inspection that can help prevent failure of brakes and other components that lead to serious collisions

If you suffer injuries in a truck accident, you need the support of lawyers who understand the unique aspects of the trucking industry, know the state and federal regulations pertaining to truck and who have the resources needed to conduct a thorough investigation of your case. The truck accident attorneys at Feldman & Morgado, PA have over four decades of combined experience in personal injury litigation and an excellent trial record in numerous truck accident cases.