When you get hurt at work it can put you in a tough place professionally and personally. Dealing with any injury can be a major challenge, but the legal hoops you may have to jump through to get the compensation you need and deserve can create more problems.
What matters first and foremost is your health. Above all else, it’s important to seek the proper care and make sure any injuries are tended to properly. Outside of your health, though, there are other important steps you need to take to protect your claim of compensation while you’re out of the office.
Document everything
You need to take note of the specific incident and circumstances that led to your injury. Insurance companies and your employer may probe into the situation to see if there’s a way around paying you what you’re owed. Your best defense against these tactics will be to take note of all circumstances that may have contributed to the injury.
Know that you’re only eligible for workers’ compensation in Florida if the injury or illness occurred outside of the normal duties of your job. This can include an injury that is caused by someone else failing to do their job, an accident that disrupts the normal duties of your job, or an injury that takes place when you’re asked to do something you never do. Even if a mistake is your fault, you can still file a claim.
Inform your employer
The sooner you’re able to notify superiors about your injury, the sooner your claim can begin. You’ll need to notify them about the circumstances of your injury, the medical care you have already sought or will need to seek, and the amount of time you will need to be away from the office.
Your employer has a duty to keep you at your current position and salary unless they can prove the time away from work would cause undue hardship to the company. This includes situations where your return to work under limitations would unduly disrupt the work of the business.
File your claim
In Florida, your employer will need to file a claim on your behalf within seven days if your employer has insurance for workers’ compensation cases. If they do not have such insurance or fail to file your claim on time then you should take control and file the claim.
Florida law requires that you file your claim within two years, so you don’t have to rush but should consider how filing a claim later could impact the evidence and support for your claim. Some claims can’t be filed immediately because the injury is actually wear and tear on your body suffered through the course of your work. In those cases, the timeline may extend later into that two-year period.
Contact an attorney
One of the best tools to protect yourself and your claim is to work with an experienced Florida personal injury attorney. Your attorney can help you understand what you’re owed, how long you’re owed it, and how the claims process work.
At Feldman Legal Group, we fight for the injured. Our team has experience securing full compensation for injuries in Tampa and across Florida. Contact us today and get the compensation you need and deserve.