Losing your job is never easy, especially when you were fired for illegal reasons. This kind of wrongful termination could give you a path toward financial compensation. However, making a mistake during this process could put your monetary recovery at risk.

Looking for tips on the top mistakes to avoid after wrongful termination in Tampa? Our guide has all of the information you need to know. Once you have considered your options, you should discuss them with a knowledgeable wrongful termination attorney like Mitchell Feldman.

Getting Angry or Overreacting

It is natural for people to get angry or upset after losing their jobs—especially when the termination was for unlawful reasons. That said, lashing out in anger at coworkers or employers is never a good idea. Expressing resentment could be used by an employer as evidence of attitude problems and could even be used to justify the termination.

Rash decisions can result in major mistakes. Firing off an angry email or leaving a rude voicemail with the person who terminated the employment could seriously damage a wrongful termination case. Anything an employee says under these circumstances could be twisted and used against them if the case ever goes to trial.

Not Investigating the Termination

Another mistake to avoid after an improper firing in Tampa is not investigating the circumstances surrounding the termination. Typically, the employer will provide an employee with a written termination letter that spells out the reason for the firing. This could provide invaluable evidence in a wrongful termination case.

Often, employment records can establish that the reason for an employee’s termination was false. It is important to identify the documents that might be able to prove a termination was wrongful. For example, timecards might be able to show that allegations of being chronically late were not true.

Discussing Your Case

Discussing the specifics of your firing or wrongful termination case with anyone outside of legal counsel is never a good idea. Anything you say could be twisted and held against you. This goes beyond discussions you might have with friends or former coworkers, as an employer or their attorney could even review social media postings.

Speaking with former coworkers, especially someone who was terminated at the same time, is not a good idea. There is no way to know where their loyalties lie, and something said about the case could make it back to a former employer. The more statements the employer’s legal team has, the more likely they will be able to take one of those statements out of context.

Trying to Handle Your Case on Your Own

Arguably, the biggest mistake that can be made in this situation is pursuing a wrongful termination claim without the support of skilled legal counsel. A plaintiff is not required to hire an attorney, but the failure to do so could have lasting consequences. A seasoned Tampa lawyer, such as Mitchell Feldman, could help people avoid some of the major pitfalls that often derail a viable wrongful termination case.

We Could Help You Avoid Mistakes After a Wrongful Termination in Tampa

Making yourself aware of the common mistakes to avoid after a wrongful termination in Tampa could protect your case for compensation. Speaking to an experienced attorney is one of the most important steps you can take after being improperly fired. Reach out to Feldman Legal Group right away for help with your case.