ERISA, the Employee Retirement Income Security Act, is a federal law created to protect employee retirement plans, pensions, and other benefits like healthcare, severance, disability insurance, and more. Disputes involving ERISA can be extremely complicated and difficult to manage on your own. Hiring an Atlanta ERISA lawyer could give you peace of mind and representation that has expertise in this complex area of law.

If you believe your employer, insurance provider, or other administrator has violated ERISA laws by denying you benefits, call the Feldman Legal Group. Our experienced employment attorneys could help you from the initial free consultation through trial.

What Is ERISA?

The Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA) governs employee benefits and sets standards employers must comply with in providing benefits. The ERISA ensures that employees receive the benefits they are entitled to and that plan administrators handle them responsibly. ERISA governs a wide range of employee benefits, such as:

  • Retirement Plans (401(k) contribution plans, pensions, and profit-sharing plans)
  • Employer provided health insurance, disability benefits, and COBRA insurance coverage.
  • Life insurance, severance packages, employee stock ownership plans, etc.

ERISA requires plan administrators to act in the best interests of the employee, and if they fail to do this, an employee may take legal action to recover the compensation they deserve. An attorney in Atlanta could help an employee understand the benefits ERISA protects.

Common ERISA Violations and Disputes

ERISA claims often arise when employers or plan administrators fail to uphold their legal obligations. Some common situations include:

  • Being denied benefits you have earned, such as disability payments or retirement funds, without a valid reason
  • Failure to be transparent and provide required plan information and documents, such as the summary plan description
  • Mismanaging funds or investing poorly
  • Experiencing discrimination or retaliation for seeking benefits

ERISA is a federal law, so any claims will be filed in a federal district court, but state employment laws and practices can affect its enforcement or bolster the strength of a case. Employers and plan administrators are required to comply with federal guidelines, as this ensures ERISA standards are applied in each state the same way.

If your ERISA claim has been denied, you must follow a specific appeal process prior to filing a lawsuit. An experienced ERISA lawyer in Atlanta could help you with the process, which involves gathering and submitting evidence and other documents to the plan administrator.

The Atlanta Attorneys at Feldman Legal Group Could Help with an ERISA Dispute

ERISA benefit claims are among the most complex types of employment law cases, requiring careful attention to detail and significant legal expertise. At Feldman Legal Group, we have years of experience with ERISA cases, and we fight relentlessly for the best legal outcome for you.

If you are facing an ERISA dispute or think your benefits might have been mishandled, reach out to an Atlanta ERISA lawyer right away. Call us today to discuss your legal options.